

While thanking the huge participation of state officials and other stakeholders, the top 10 technology companies. Paul also highlighted the persistent efforts in increasing total public spending on health at state level. He thus, urged the state governments to move ahead in healthcare spending as percentage of their total budget to about 8% which is currently 4-5% for many states. He further added that “this spending must be in line with the bigger picture of benefiting the citizens”. Another positive trend in the country’s health financing space is the increase in Social Security Expenditure on healthcare. A robust social security mechanism ensures that individuals will not face financial hardship and the risk of poverty as a consequence of accessing essential healthcare services.

Minipreço retira sapo de loiça usado para afastar ciganos e pede … – Público

Minipreço retira sapo de loiça usado para afastar ciganos e pede ….

Posted: Fri, 28 Jun 2019 07:00:00 GMT [source]

The continuous decline in the OOPE in the overall https://1investing.in/ spending show progress towards ensuring financial protection and Universal Health Coverage for citizens. Highlighting the efforts of the government towards public investments in the health sector, findings from National Health Accounts show that various indicators have demonstrated an encouraging trend on a sustained basis. The launch event saw the presence of Shri S Gopalakrishnan, Special Secretary, Shri Jaideep Kumar Mishra, AS&FA, Ms. Roli Singh, AS, Shri Sukhram Meena, Director General, MoHFW, Shri Vishal Chauhan, Joint Secretary, Ms. Indrani Kaushal, Economic Advisor, Maj Gen Atul Kotwal, Executive Director, NHSRC. NHM directors at state level and senior officials from states were also present virtually.

PIB total

This is also a result of great developments/initiatives taken at grassroot level such as opening of over 1.6 lakh Ayushman Bharat Health and Wellness Centres (AB-HWCs) which are providing plethora of health services to the people.” He further said that primary healthcare must be prioritized as it is the fundamental base on which secondary and tertiary services can be supported efficiently. Union Health Secretary also pointed out about social security expenditure, which includes the social health insurance program, government-financed health insurance schemes, and medical reimbursements made to government employees, has drastically increased from 5% to 9.3%. “This along with other indicators taken together highlight that the burden on an individual or family due to health issues have reduced”, he added. This is a significant increase which shows that the common people of India are better equipped and better provided in terms of healthcare at their doorstep and making health more accessible.




受付時間平日 9:00〜17:00


