High-Load System Development Case Study


However, each new service in our client’s offering has added to the operational complexity of their internal IT systems. To support consistent business growth, the company set a long-term goal to modernize its IT department by leveraging the telecom software services of a technology partner. The company also aimed to enhance operational risk management, increase process auditability, and align all back-office applications with business needs. Therefore, our client started a rigorous tendering process to select three reliable IT services companies capable of taking full responsibility for high-load systems development and maintenance. At Alfee, we take pride in our ability to deliver high-quality, high-load systems that meet the necessities of our clients. Our approach involves analyzing the requirements, designing a scalable architecture, developing and testing the software, and providing ongoing maintenance and support.

high load systems

The second approach is volume testing, which subjects a system to a high workload for a limited time. Both of these load and performance testing approaches help us to identify and resolve performance bottlenecks, bugs, and component limitations. Providing effective software testing services requires deliberate planning. During the first phase of project planning, the business analyst collects non-functional requirements against which performance metrics will be checked. Based on these requirements, we prepare a test script and one or more test scenarios.

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All this is needed to understand how and what to show to the user. Load testing helped us find out that for our customer’s system, the most suitable instance configuration was 4 CPUs, 8 GB RAM, unlimited traffic, and no third-party services limits. Such an instance can process 60 to 120 requests per minute, or 2 to 3 requests per second, before crashing. Knowing the approximate minimum load on the project and the capacity of one machine, we could choose an optimal instance. For example, during development and testing of our customer’s system, up to 10 people worked with it simultaneously. Usually, you only need to keep one machine running for domain development.

high load systems

That’s why it’s best to look for a balance between system performance and required computing resources. The throughput metric indicates how many requests or transactions the system can process over a certain period of time, and bandwidth shows the volume of data transferred through the system over a certain period. The error rate, in turn, shows whether the system is stable and reliable, and resource utilization provides insights on CPU and memory consumption. Depending on your needs and project requirements, we select metrics that help you thoroughly evaluate how your system performs. Build a custom solution, modernize your system, or solve a specific business issue with our end-to-end software solution development services. The App Solutions team is fully equipped and has enough experts to provide quality, high-load web applications.

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QA specialists can use it to define the system’s potential to scale without compromising system performance. Software testing results in the discovery of bottlenecks and a list of possible system improvements. Then comes the actual software performance optimization, with infrastructure changes and architecture updates if necessary. To begin performance testing, our QA specialists set the number of requests to send, the test script, and the time to perform the test. Each request then targets the system for a fixed period as the automated testing tool notes the performance.

One key approach we take is to design our systems to be horizontally scalable, meaning that we can add more servers to handle increased traffic as needed. We also make use of load balancing and caching technologies to distribute the workload across multiple servers and reduce the load on any single server. At Alfee, we understand the importance of scalability and performance optimization when it comes to developing high-load systems. Our team uses a variety of techniques and best practices to ensure that our systems can handle large amounts of traffic and users without compromising performance.

High Load Systems

When designing such projects, you need to understand that there are no standard solutions that would be suitable for any high-load system. Highload is when traditional approaches to the work of the IT infrastructure are no longer enough. For the system to function stably, you need to clearly understand which database it will work with. The process of designing the architecture of a large application takes into account software components, equipment, technical and legislative restrictions, and implementation deadlines.

high load systems

While conducting software performance testing, we make performance metrics correspond to non-functional requirements collected during the discovery stage. Correlation is essential to handle dynamic content and can be omitted only when testing pages with static content, such as some home pages. For effective software performance testing services, we need to opt for technologies and tools that will be well-suited for the particular testing project.

Our Services

That’s why at Apriorit, we build a prototype of a client’s system and conduct load testing before we start development. It helps us figure out how to scale API performance in a high-load system, design the best possible scaling scheme for a particular project, and reduce the cost of cloud resources. High-load applications and systems are essential in today’s digital economy, where scalability and reliability are vital. In fact, they’re even more important now, with whole business domains moving online because of the pandemic. The rise of user activity and data volumes puts exacting demands on software development processes, and businesses find their high-load applications put to the test. The technical infrastructure and architecture used for high-load systems must be designed for operability, scalability, and stability.

Quintagroup also provides many services, including system architecture, cloud computing, DevOps, and software engineering. Quintagroup is a brilliant option for any high load system development project. A software performance framework is the next level of performance testing solutions. For instance, we can apply a scaling strategy if an app isn’t able to handle expected growth in the number of users or data volume.

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It is necessary to develop a mobile app that can manage a greater number of requests per second. This will minimize all sorts of problems that arise after the project development process. The poor management of data can cause inefficiencies in the system.

  • In this tutorial, we introduce you a list of the best APM software and on the real example show how to optimize app using collected information.
  • Programming a project without a scalable architecture will only attract trouble.
  • We are experts in Java and .NET frameworks, Apache servers, and Linux distributives (Debian, Fedora, and others).
  • All this is needed to understand how and what to show to the user.
  • But in reality, you will first need a server for 0.5 million, then a more powerful one for 3 million, after that for 30 million, and the system still will not cope.
  • It helps us figure out how to scale API performance in a high-load system, design the best possible scaling scheme for a particular project, and reduce the cost of cloud resources.

If you notice that the fault comes from the database, find a scalable database prior to developing the product. The ability to spot, define and resolve a performance problem ahead of time saves you from unnecessary future costs. It helps to ensure high load systems that your project will easily handle a high load. A high load occurs when servers struggle to process user data efficiently. To quantify this, high loads happen when servers have to process significantly more requests above their normal threshold.

Tools for performance testing and monitoring

You need to perform comprehensive testing by emulating combinations of system events and user flows to see how the app withstands various stress levels and disruptions. Creating a high-load app is a bridge that needs a well-laid crossing plan way before you get there. Make sure you do an extensive study of your target audience and understand their pains and needs at every point of the user journey.



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